Why a gaming PC is so expensive in Pakistan?

In the current economic climate, it's a harsh reality that we live in. Inflation is at an all-time high and daily lives are affected in a negative manner in many ways. Even us gamers have been affected by this economy. You are a lucky gamer if you can afford a gaming PC in Pakistan.

Reasons why gaming PCs are expensive

Its an already established fact that gaming is considered a waste of time in the country. Moreover, the hardware tech for running games at the lowest sweet spot of 60 FPS is pretty expensive and not easily available.
Here is why?

  • Lack of exposure

There is only a handful of people who are tech-savvy. Hence, if people aren't knowledgable about something or they don't consider important, why would they sell that stuff? Which results in fewer sellers of equipment, who take advantage of the less saturated market of gaming hardware and charge their own premium rates.

  • Hardware has to be imported

The country isn't short on gamers despite the hassles present regarding gaming (Yay for the perseverance of us gamers). However, the hardware is short in supply as there are no local manufactures of tech and all the hardware has to be imported. Which results in premium rates. Here is a break down of the component cost that gamers have to pay in order to pursue their gaming hobbies:

  • the base price
  • Currency conversion rate
  • shipping,
  • customs and import duties,
  • Then the shop keeper margin as well.

A Gaming PC is already expensive due to the dedicated hardware needed to run games. Which results in a gaming PC being more expensive than a normal PC. However, these factors just add to the cost of the components resulting in more expensive equipment than its international price.

Let us know in the comment section your experience when buying a gaming PC. We'd love to hear from you.