Best Budget RGB Cases in Pakistan
January 19, 2020
In the Desi community of Pakistan, gaming is considered a waste of time and in some cases as taboo as well. The Paki community accepts gaming as a kid’s pass time and if you are in your 20s and still gaming then you got problems.
People have made it hard for the gaming scene to flourish in Pakistan. There is a lot that needs to be done to promote the gaming scene and make the lives of gamers easier when it comes to accessing hardware that is capable of playing games on decent frame rates. Parents need to realize that as long the kids are fairly playing games then it is fine for them to play. It’s all about supervision.
Alas, it is not considered important enough, that the authorities will take notice of these problems that we gamers face, they got bigger fish to fry. But, one can hope that gaming will gain its much-deserved recognition and it will become easier to gaming in Pakistan. We gamers have to stand up for ourselves because no one else will.