Nvidia's 30 series rumors and leaks
February 25, 2020
With the release of the 30 series amid the ongoing pandemic, we saw Nvidia off to a very shaky start with their GPU launch. The company faced stalk shortages, driver issues, capacitor issues etc. The PC users, didn't take the launch very well and with AMD releasing their RX series cards as well, we finally saw some competition in the higher end GPU market. All in all a very favorable situation for PC users.
Nvidia had anticipated the situation to some extent and priced the cards at a very aggressive price point, at the time of their launch. Nonetheless, AMD took a very slender lead in performance over Nvidia's current lineup and again gave us price to performance ratio cards. Surprisingly, Nvidia followed AMD's model of giving us high performing card with value for buck as well. Nonetheless, this has resulted in Nvidia releasing the Ti variants of their cards to compete with AMD, while initially they have launched the non Ti variants. There have been rumors going on for a while about a Ti card that is going to be launched in the coming week. Yes, we're talking about the 3060 Ti!
Gigabyte's RTX 3060 Ti Eagle OC along with three more variants have been leaked on the Chinese platform Bilibili by 'Ninety-Seven Percent'. According to the leaks, the company is set to launch the card this week in December 2nd.
Eagle OC variant is a dual fan card with a standard display configuration. The card takes up to two slots and a single 8-pin power connector. The boost clock is set at 1695 MHz and this is the lower end variant with the least boost clock set by Gigabyte. The card will feature an 8 GB GDDR6 memory.
Next up on the list are the Gaming OC models. Gigabyte will release the card in two Gaming OC variants (Pro and Non Pro). Both are triple fan cards, while the Non Pro features a single 8 pin connector the Pro variant features a double pin connector and is also thicker in size as well. The Non Pro variant clock speeds are currently unknown while the Pro variant as a boost clock of up to 1770 MHz.
Aorus cards are usually the high end variants by Gigabyte and this variant is no different. It is the fastest variant in the whole lineup provided by Gigabyte. Moreover, the fans are bigger as well and the cards features a triple fan style cooler. The boost clocks of the card can clock up to 1800 MHz, quite a hefty boost over the reference card which is clocked at 1665 MHz. The card features a 6+8 pin power connector as well as as 3 DP ports and 3 HDMI ports. Which is not the standard config for a mid range card.
Let us know in the comment section which variant you're going to buy in the comment section below! We'd love to hear from you!