How to Balance Gaming and Social life?
March 18, 2020
Gaming is a way of escaping reality for a while and experience someone else's life. This holds true for offline games with campaigns. The graphics in modern games surely add to the feeling of realism we gamers experience. Online multiplayer is another matter, but the escape from reality premise still holds. However, excess of anything is bad, even gaming is. So, one should try to maintain a social life while gaming as well
Man is a social creature and needs to have social contact in order to maintain some sort of mental peace.
Balance is the key. Balance is healthy. Sure, games provide you with relaxing outlets for you to release your stress. However, staying in tune with reality is also important. Finding hobbies other than gaming will lead to more fulfilling life experiences as well.
Moral of the story? Find some balance in your life, gaming along with hobbies other than gaming. A little bit of everything is good.
Let us know in the comment section what hobbies do you pursue other than gaming in your life. We'd love to hear from you!